Do You Remember Last Year's Zoom Assemblies?

As I think of the year gone by and the dedication of our faculty to our children I recall the famous idiom of Winston Churchill that we should “never let a good crisis go to waste!”.  It is fascinating to think how far we have come over the past year. It feels like it was just yesterday that our faculty and administration worked tirelessly to maintain not only academic continuity but also the critically needed daily structure for the lives of our families. As unsung frontline heroes, our faculty tended to the needs of our community while many in their own families became gravely ill or even succumbed to sickness Rachmana Letzlan. 

Indeed, those times, and our current losses and continuing compromises, will never be forgotten. Still, let us affirm that this crisis imbued our teachers and thereby our students with an unwavering spirit of resolve to surpass our given limitations, or if you prefer, our inner Egypts; and we have ultimately become stronger for it.

 I proudly admire the sacrifices of our teachers as they suffered in silence, yet believed in the healing power of prayers offered by their students as they continued to daven with their classes until Pesach and beyond, even though they did not have to do so. Or the struggle of teachers that despite not being prepared for this challenge jumped into the depths of technology to do whatever it took to salvage and support their students during this high tide of anxiety and illness. The very challenge of teaching in 2 domains, having students at home and in school was more than enough difficulty for anyone to handle but our teachers kept marching on.

It is certainly appropriate and even healthy to mourn the losses of the year both great and small. Still in a moment of thanksgiving as we usher in the Pesach Holiday let us seize the moment and reach out to our teachers and administrators and let them know that at the end of the day it was a job well done! 

Shabbat Shalom & A Chag Kashar V'sameach!




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